independent hairstyles created in Lisbon, Portugal

Why should a client choose you?
Because I enjoy bringing to the surface who they are, I like to make them happy with my work, but also helping to exteriorize the “ideal” image we all have of ourselves. Each person has inside them the way they imagine themselves to be, their true self, and if i can help to make that inner self and their actual look to become one and the same then I´m really happy. Besides, I´m a great company!
What do you like in your work:
To be able to transform people and to give them self-confidence, most of all. I like to be able to help people to create their image and to be able to help them being happier about themselves, wich is a process very connected to self-confidence. I enjoy being part of that confidence-building process, like for instance someone that just went through a rough moment and wants to feel reborn, or someone that just wants to feel hot hot hot!
Why did you come to Lisbon?
Because I´ve been away for ages (8 years in London) discovering the world and myself, collecting experiences and becoming who I am now and there’s a time in our life when we have to stop and create (or recreate) roots… and I wanted to do that in lisbon, because I’ve missed home and the sun!
What are your favorit restaurants/bars/places?
In Portugal, Sintra and Óbidos above all, although I also love portuguese beaches. I love to dine at Bota Alta or going to Pavilhão Chinês, Procópio or Indie Bar. I like the goth scene, therefore when I club I go somewhere within that scene. However, my heart definitely goes to medieval fests across the country in the summer. Outside Portugal, my favorite cities would be London and Venice. In the evening you just have to go to Sarastro restaurant in Covent Garden and then club in Camden Town or Torture Garden to dance (or not) all night long! In Venice, Piazza San Marco at two in the morning to sing in empty streets across sleeping venice! I also love Lago Di Como, cause its like if they had connected about 400 Sintras…
What kind of haircut or style would you like to try out one day?
Dificcult question… because i’ve already tried almost everything!
What is the style that inspires you most?
Burlesque, but also the goth scene.
What do you want for your future?
I want sunsets in a multicolor sky looking at the ocean, walking in the forest under a full moon. I want to always love what I do, I want to try to live every day as if it was my last, I want to love and be loved, i want to see the whole world… I want to always be happy, true to myself and others and to always be passionate about life! In summary, I want each moment to be magic.
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